Text analysis tools + games
I ran the backstory through the hyperpo app… it’s a linguistic analysis tool inspired by Oulipo techniques. In addition to the jobs that corpus linguists do, like word frequencies and other statistical analysis of texts, the Hyperpo tool can look for anagrams and palindromes, create fill-in-the-blanks for certain word forms such as verbs or nouns, sequence the text backward, etc. I’m including here some of the results that will inspire our interface:
This image shows when the text is first run through the tools:
This shows the statistical summary of the text–whatever can be automatically recognized and quantified.
This shows words-in-context results for DCTRNFMSOIA and its morphological variants. Shown here are all occurences (in yellow) with the five words that precede and the five words that follow.
This shows words-in-context results for Remington, without its morphological variants. Shown here are all occurences (in yellow) with the five words that precede and the five words that follow.
This shows word associations for “Remington”–secondary words or phrases are found close to Remington in more than one instance within the text. Raw=total number of occurences, Size=length of the phrase.
These show graphical displays of text frequency and location within the text as a shape.
This is a Hyperpo game–in the bottom frame it shows a “fill-in-the-blanks” for verbs.