Some other interesting research

Nighttime Lights Clarify Economic Activity
The use of nighttime lights visible on earth from outer space is one of the more innovative ways to measure social and economic activity in countries that have little or no reliable data collection programs.


Neuroimaging Chinese Social Cognition
Sook-Lei Liew writes about the opportunity to conduct research examining the role of experience on neural networks during a summer in China, as part of NSF’s EAPSI program


Babies Learn From Robots While Robots Learn From Babies
Interdisciplinary research combines infant learning and computer science


A Crowded World
Researchers use computer scenarios to study crowd behavior in time and space. (Photo: The fleeing crowd has enough room to egress efficiently through the urban canyon formed by the interstitial space between buildings.)


New Glasses Give The Blind Bionic Eyes
By combining imaging, display, and sensing technology honed for smartphones, with games consoles and systems like Microsoft’s Kinect, Oxford scientists have designed a set of high-tech glasses that could radically change the life of people suffering from a number of vision-impairing disorders.


Cisco’s Tech Just One Of Many New Ways China Could Spy On Its People
Chongqing city, China, is about to get a giant Orwellian surveillance network of half a million cameras that will spy on areas like street intersections, parks, and neighborhoods. Cisco is rumored to be one of the key pieces in the network supplying, basically, the networking tech itself–the grease that’ll make the whole integrated shebang work.


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